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The Idea of The Shop

Since childhood, I have enjoyed drawing, art exhibitions, and fashion shows. But later I decided to enter the university and get a technical education. While studying for a master's degree, I started working in online stores and I really liked this job. After graduation, I worked for a while in the civil service, but later returned to work in commerce, because I liked it much more. It combined 2 of my great interests: communicating with people and working with beautiful things.

My primary areas of work were gifts, souvenirs, and designer goods. I ended up working for companies that produced limited editions of designer goods or quality promotional items. All these years, I was mesmerized by how a successful design turns an ordinary thing into a masterpiece that evokes vivid emotions. These things often became favorites because people returned to buy similar ones and they really enjoy with these things.

The idea for my shop sprouted when I realized my passion for floral and leafy prints (and I adore green). I like such things, but finding similar items was always hard for me. In that way, I have got the idea of creating custom yoga leggings just for myself. Then, I began to search for designers and suppliers, looked and tried what I got, and now you are here, onĀ this website. šŸ˜„

Secondly, worldwide deforestation always concerned me deeply. Wild forests surround my native city, but their amount dwindled yearly due to urbanization. Forests elsewhere disappear because of climate change and pollution. And I want to contribute to mitigating this, to help with that in my way. So, 10% of every sale goes to organizations advocating for green spaces.Ā 

You can read about our designs, their essence, and inspirationĀ here

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