VerdancyS Stories

How We Choose Our Partners and Suppliers

How We Choose Our Partners and Suppliers

First and foremost, as a seasoned professional in procurement and quality control with 6 years of experience in corporate gift procurement, I've developed a habit of avoiding excessively cheap products...

How We Choose Our Partners and Suppliers

First and foremost, as a seasoned professional in procurement and quality control with 6 years of experience in corporate gift procurement, I've developed a habit of avoiding excessively cheap products...

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The Idea of The Shop

Talk more about the idea and concept of the store, what we want to achieve

The Idea of The Shop

Talk more about the idea and concept of the store, what we want to achieve

Our Inspiration

Our Inspiration

We want to talk a bit about how we create designs and collections and where we get our inspiration from

Our Inspiration

We want to talk a bit about how we create designs and collections and where we get our inspiration from

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Our story

Beginning of our story and reasons why we do that

Our story

Beginning of our story and reasons why we do that

VerdancyS Sustainability Principles

VerdancyS Sustainability Principles

More details about our sustainability principles, on which we build the concept of store operation

VerdancyS Sustainability Principles

More details about our sustainability principles, on which we build the concept of store operation